

In-depth assessment of children 0 – 12 years.

An assessment entails a full morning spent with the child (the time depends on their age and capabilities). An in-depth view is gained through standardized or play-based testing as well as informal observations on their general play, work habits, eating and general interaction.


45 minute weekly OT session

Therapy is a child-centered fun-filled session, that will leave you as the parent feeling empowered and your child feeling successful. Therapy incorporates you as the parent, as you are one of the greatest role players in your child’s development. Therapy is focused on combining your child’s imagination and interests with the therapeutic goals set for your child. 

School and home visits

I believe that the effective growth of your child is enhanced if they have positive experiences in all of the environments that they are part of. I, therefore, believe it is vital that therapy does not occur once a week at OT but through all their environments. Home and school visits aim to educate, adapt and promote strategies that allow effective participation for your child.

Kiddies and Coffee

Early childhood development for children in order to prevent future difficulties.

This is a monthly service offered to ensure children are typically developing. It is recommended that children who may be at risk for developmental difficulties be assessed (premature, NICU admissions, high-risk pregnancies, etc.). We aim to assist you as a parent to enhance your child’s development. 

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